B704 - Shakespeare 3 Pack Collection -  In The Steps William Shakespeare London & Stratford, Shakespeare's Globe Restored & The Shakespeare Consiracy Watch Now

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B704 - Shakespeare 3 Pack Collection -  In The Steps William Shakespeare London & Stratford, Shakespeare's Globe Restored & The Shakespeare Consiracy

Shakespeare 3 Pack Collection - In The Steps William Shakespeare London & Stratford, Shakespeare's Globe Restored & The Shakespeare Consiracy
Item No. B704

Shakespeare 3 Pack Collection - In The Steps William Shakespeare London & Stratford, Shakespeare's Globe Restored & The Shakespeare Consiracy

Series: Shakespeare Series
Item No: B704
Length: 102 minutes
UPC: 709629007048
Copyright: 2004
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-12
Age Range: 15-18
View Series
SRP: $84.95
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3 DVD Disc Set: Features In The Steps Of Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Restored & The Shakespeare Conspiracy.