K4853 - Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity Watch Now

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K4853 - Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity

Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity
Item No. K4853

Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity

Series: Curious About Science
Item No: K4853
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 709629248533
Copyright: 2018
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Music, Seeds, TV, Christmas Day, Money, Portland Cement, Electricity. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Music: music is an art form where the medium is sound and silence. Generally, most music has common elements associated with it. Seeds: Seeds are small embryonic plants which are enclosed in a covering or seed coat. Seeds are formed when a plant's ovule is fertilized. TV: For more than half a century the TV has been a staple in many houses, offices and other establishments. Christmas Day: For people in the Christian faith, Christmas marks the birth of the Christian messiah, Jesus Christ. Money: Money is the instrument that we use to pay for goods and services. Portland Cement: Portland cement or more commonly known as cement is one of the discoveries that has helped pave the way for today's urban landscape. Electricity: Electricity is defined as the flow of moving electrons or an electrical current.