B001 - Shakespeare King Richard II Watch Now

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B001 - Shakespeare King Richard II

Shakespeare King Richard II
Item No. B001

Shakespeare King Richard II

Series: Shakespeare Collection
Item No: B001
Length: 172 minutes
UPC: 709629200012
Copyright: 2000
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-12
Age Range: 15-18
View Series
SRP: $29.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 5 hours, 44 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Shakespearean Drama of the Highest Quality Performed at an authentic recreation of The Globe. With performances by world famous award winning Shakespearean actors this series has recaptured the Elizabethan flavor of Shakespeare's own Globe productions by staging them just as they were seen in the 16th century. The tragedy of a self-centered weak King whose evil ways cause his own destruction. Richard II, a history based partially on "The Chronicles" by English historian Raphael Holinshed, is the saga of King Richard and his self-defeat. The King not only has enemies to fend off in Ireland but makes an enemy of Bolingbroke, his own cousin, by seizing his property. Bolingbroke, along with an army of discontented English noblemen, rebel and triumph over Richard. Richard surrenders his crown and is immediately imprisoned. Bolingbroke is crowned Henry IV and through a misunderstanding, Richard is murdered in prison. Featuring David Birney, Paul Shenar, John Devlin and William H Bassett.