A7036 - Yoga For Health For Digestive Problems Watch Now

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A7036 - Yoga For Health For Digestive Problems

Yoga For Health For Digestive Problems
Item No. A7036

Yoga For Health For Digestive Problems

Series: Yoga For Health
Item No: A7036
Length: 40 minutes
UPC: 709629070363
Copyright: 2005
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 10-Adult
Age Range: 16-Adult
View Series
SRP: $29.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 20 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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YOGA is an ancient Indian form of balancing mind and body through breath control and a series of asanas. It aims to attain the unity of mind, body and spirit through asanas, breathing and meditation. Asanas are gentle stretching movements designed to rejuvenate the brain, spine, glands and internal organs. They work by increasing the blood and oxygen supply to these areas by stimulating them with a gentle squeezing action. Asanas help to relax body and mind together. Stretching helps to relax and tone the muscles to improve the circulation, to regain the vital force or energy, lose or gain weight, feel and look young and improve concentration. Yoga - Digestive Problems: Yoga asanas gently press on the body's glands and organs, resulting in positive effects on the digestive and endocrine systems. Many of the asanas are thought to provide stimulation to and rejuvenation of the cells of the endocrine glands by way of compression. Compression of these glands, followed by relaxation, causes an increased volume of highly oxygenated blood to reach the cells, bringing nourishment that rejuvenates cells. The DVD contains a unique "Real Time" workout program that lets us focus only on the performance of the asanas, while the program leads you through the sequenced asanas with audio assisted timing. This program covers asanas to assist with digestive problems including: Padmasana, Tadasana, Ardhakati Chakrasana, Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Padahastanasana, Vajrasana, Sasankasana, Supta Vajrasana, Jaanu Sirasasana, Paschimottasana, Maha Mudra, Jatra Parivruttasana, Sarpasana, Bhujangasana, Vipareeta Karani, Matsyasana and Savasana. Featuring The Yoga Master - Dr.Sujatha. Dr.Sujatha is the first Indian to receive a Doctorate in Yoga and completed a study on how asanas, pranayama and meditation effect the mind and body. With her unique style of teaching traditional yogic sciences, Dr.Sujatha is the founder and Director of Power Management Consultancy and Patanjali Yoga Vidya Kendram.