Q336 - Real Life Teens Drugs Watch Now

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Q336 - Real Life Teens Drugs

Real Life Teens Drugs
Item No. Q336

Real Life Teens Drugs

Series: Real Life Teens
Item No: Q336
Length: 20 minutes
UPC: 709629023369
Copyright: 2001
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-12
Age Range: 14-18
Teachers Guide
View Series
SRP: $64.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 40 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Real Life Teens is an unbiased and realistic look from the perspective of teens, at the wide variety of issues teens face today featuring young teenagers telling their real stories, in their own words. The series discusses significant issues in adolescent society and cuts through many barriers with its honest and relevant advice and information. This program discusses the effects and repercussions of drug use physically and mentally. It talks about the different types and classifications of drugs. The video educates teens on the dangers of use and addiction. Teens give their own advice to other teens. After completing the program the student should have a better understanding of drugs and what their uses and effects are on the body and mind along with the long and short-term health risks and addictive qualities of drugs.