L7861 - Pele - King of Football & Legend of the Game Watch Now

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L7861 - Pele - King of Football & Legend of the Game

Pele - King of Football & Legend of the Game
Item No. L7861

Pele - King of Football & Legend of the Game

Series: The Biography Series
Item No: L7861
Length: 46 minutes
UPC: 709629278615
Copyright: 2020
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $24.99
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Pele was a phenomenal athlete who brought class and finesse to the game. Brazil is synonymous with the world game and it is this passion that has produced some of the world?s best soccer players. But there was only one man who was known as the King of Football - Pele. He joined Brazil?s World Cup team at the age of 17, fulfilling the promise he made to his father to "win a World Cup" for him. He starred, scoring twice in the final against Sweden. From then on he was targeted with rough treatment from opponents who feared his influence on the game. In 1969 Pele scored his 9999th goal, sparking huge interest in the next game against Argentina. Crowds hoped they?d be there to witness Pele?s millionth goal. They were not disappointed. Crowds swarmed onto the field as history was made and from then on Brazilians have been known to reminisce about where they were when Pele scored the "Mallisima".