L7864 - Michael Schumacher - The Greatest Forumla One Driver The World Has Ever Seen Watch Now

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L7864 - Michael Schumacher - The Greatest Forumla One Driver The World Has Ever Seen

Michael Schumacher - The Greatest Forumla One Driver The World Has Ever Seen
Item No. L7864

Michael Schumacher - The Greatest Forumla One Driver The World Has Ever Seen

Series: The Biography Series
Item No: L7864
Length: 46 minutes
UPC: 709629278646
Copyright: 2020
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $24.99
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Officially labeled 'The greatest driver Formula One has ever seen', Schumacher redefined this elite sport through his ability, dedication, media presence and appeal. The first German to ever win the Formula One World Championship, Michael Schumacher is revered and single-handedly credited with popularizing this sport in his country and beyond. This is an objective look at Schumacher's journey and the ongoing impact of his contribution to Formula One.