F1139 - Lessons In Visual Language: Movement and Moving The Camera, Orientation Of The Camera, Framing, Shot Sizes & Framing Faults, Lenses & Perspective Watch Now

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F1139 - Lessons In Visual Language: Movement and Moving The Camera, Orientation Of The Camera, Framing, Shot Sizes & Framing Faults, Lenses & Perspective

Lessons In Visual Language: Movement and Moving The Camera, Orientation Of The Camera, Framing, Shot Sizes & Framing Faults, Lenses & Perspective
Item No. F1139

Lessons In Visual Language: Movement and Moving The Camera, Orientation Of The Camera, Framing, Shot Sizes & Framing Faults, Lenses & Perspective

Series: Lessons In Visual Language
Item No: F1139
Length: 50 minutes
UPC: 70962911
Copyright: 2004
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $275.00
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 40 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Order The Series on DVD and Save $440! This award-winning series, devised and narrated by Peter Thompson, deals with the fundamental language of all moving images. Thompson opens our eyes to the basics of vision that we all take for granted. Imaginative editing, visual illusions and special effects constantly lead the viewer to redefine the meaning of the presented image. Each program is crammed with dramatic examples and startling concepts guaranteed to stimulate creativity and provoke discussion. This DVD covers Camera, Orientation, Framing, Shot Sizes, Lenses & Perspective. Orientation of the Camera: Thompson shows how we orient ourselves in space by a combination of what we see and other physiological cues. Moving images lack these other cues so special efforts must be made to provide the viewer with a sense of balance and equilibrium. Learn how moving images can be used to deliberately disturb the physiological equilibrium of the viewer. Framing: The positioning of a camera "puts frame around the world" and divides it into off-screen & on-screen space. See how the very choice of framing can define relationships, tell a story, create or release tension. Learn how we can convey information about off-screen space: the world in front of, behind and "all around" defined by the frame itself. Shot Sizes: This program defines the basic shot types of the film & video vocabulary from wide shot to big close-up & discusses the most effective use of each. Learn how to build up an action sequence from a combination of framings & the psychological impact of common framing errors. Lenses & Perspective: In a series of convincing demonstrations, Thompson shows that the position of the viewer or camera, is the governing factor in the perception of spatial relationships in the third dimension. He lays to rest the idea that lens focal length affects the appearance of depth.