C18 - Healing Massage Watch Now

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C18 - Healing Massage

Healing Massage
Item No. C18

Healing Massage

Series: Alternative Health
Item No: C18
Length: 80 minutes
UPC: 709629000186
Copyright: 2006
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 10-Adult
Age Range: 16-Adult
View Series
SRP: $29.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 2 hours, 40 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Experience the soothing and natural practice of massage, which aims to stimulate, invigorate, release blocked energy and relax the mind, body and spirit. 'Healing Massage' is the most comprehensive massage therapy video ever produced covering remedial and Swedish massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, shiatsu, sports massage, the Bowen technique and lymphatic drainage. Learn step-by-step about each of these bodywork modalities from specialist practitioners who explain and demonstrate in detail some of the most common massage techniques available. Understand the power of massage from these Western style massage therapists, each with over ten years experience. Discover for yourself the healing power of touch.