E4555 - Festival of Fruits Apples, Oranges & Bananas Watch Now

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E4555 - Festival of Fruits Apples, Oranges & Bananas

Festival of Fruits Apples, Oranges & Bananas
Item No. E4555

Festival of Fruits Apples, Oranges & Bananas

Series: Gourmet Cooking
Item No: E4555
Length: 66 minutes
UPC: 709629045552
Copyright: 2006
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 10-Adult
Age Range: 16-Adult
View Series
SRP: $19.99
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 2 hours, 12 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Traditional Gourmet Cooking with a Twist! Chef extraordinaire David Forestell shares straightforward recipes that can turn you into a gourmet cook. His humor, passion and culinary expertise collide to create food that will tempt and inspire you - with ingredients that are as close as your local supermarket. Spruce up your fruit bowl! Enjoy the fruits of your labor with great recipies that will dazzle your taste buds. Apples: Warm Apple Salad with Savoy Cabbage. Apple Tart with Maple Espresso Sauce. Apple Subji with Poppadams. Oranges: Salmon Terrine wiht Orange Vinaigrette. Creme Brule with a Twist of Orange. Meringue with Citris Salad. Bananas: Coconut Banana Curried Fish. Banana French Toast. Banana Chocolate Spring Rolls.