CH10033 - Coping with Cancer How to find Comfort & Courage when Battling the Fear of the Unknown Watch Now

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CH10033 - Coping with Cancer How to find Comfort & Courage when Battling the Fear of the Unknown

Coping with Cancer How to find Comfort & Courage when Battling the Fear of the Unknown
Item No. CH10033

Coping with Cancer How to find Comfort & Courage when Battling the Fear of the Unknown

Series: Health Issues Christian Solutions
Item No: CH10033
Length: 21 minutes
UPC: 709629100336
Copyright: 2013
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: Adult
Age Range: 25-Adult
View Series
SRP: $29.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 42 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Cancer is a devastating and life-changing disease. A diagnosis can leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed and uncertain about your future. Many people diagnosed, go through various stages of emotions including anger, frustration, hopelessness and depression. This program asks the question -where do those negative feelings lead you? Discover how your faith can be strengthened during treatment of Cancer, how you can find comfort in the Scriptures and how to face the challenge and find the courage especially when battling fear of the unknown.