CH10043 - Caring for Aging Parents The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One Parenting your Parents Dealing with Alzheimer's Facing Death Watch Now

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CH10043 - Caring for Aging Parents The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One Parenting your Parents Dealing with Alzheimer's Facing Death

Caring for Aging Parents The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One Parenting your Parents Dealing with Alzheimer's Facing Death
Item No. CH10043

Caring for Aging Parents The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One Parenting your Parents Dealing with Alzheimer's Facing Death

Series: Faith Issues Christian Solutions
Item No: CH10043
Length: 60 minutes
UPC: 709629100435
Copyright: 2013
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: Adult
Age Range: 25-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 2 hours of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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This program helps incorporate Christian values into our daily lives. It reinforces traditional values and gives guidance on how to approach life's challenges and the tools needed to deal with them. Each program provides support for parents and families through a Christian perspective along with practical advice on every aspect of living as a Christian in today's World. Parenting Your Parents: Having to care for a dependent parent, usually in their later years, is a situation many adults face at some point - often when they're raising their own children. Drawing on the wisdom of people with first-hand experience, this program illuminates the struggles, the joys and the blessings of "Parenting Your Parents". Subjects covered include: Taking on the role of caregiver, adjusting to illness, recently widowed, getting forgetful, financial struggles, dealing with medicare, taking time to plan for elderly care. Alzheimer's - The Growing Challenge of Caring for a Loved One: The slow mental deterioration of a loved one is extremely distressing. Millions of families have been affected by Alzheimer's in some way. In this program, partners of Alzheimer's sufferers tell their stories, relive their challenges and daily struggles while living with this disease and share the effects this mentally disabling condition has had on their families. Learn how spiritual guidance and God's presence, while dealing with a loved one can help lift the burden. Facing Death - Overcome the Fear of Dying: Even though death is an inevitable fact of life, most people avoid the subject. In fact, most of us would rather not think or talk about death. That's unfortunate because confronting this fundamental reality can actually make our lives richer and more joyful. How can we overcome the fear of dying and remain hopeful even when faced with death? In this program, People of faith share their personal perspectives on how they have faced this reality.