H4605 - Antarctic Extremes A Mountaineering Adventure Watch Now

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H4605 - Antarctic Extremes A Mountaineering Adventure

Antarctic Extremes A Mountaineering Adventure
Item No. H4605

Antarctic Extremes A Mountaineering Adventure

Series: Extreme Mountaineering
Item No: H4605
Length: 35 minutes
UPC: 709629046054
Copyright: 2010
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 6-Adult
Age Range: 12-Adult
View Series
SRP: $29.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 10 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Embark on a sledge journey into remote, unexplored regions in the Antarctic & ascend 3 unclimbed peaks, 700 miles from the South Pole. Antarctica is the driest and coldest continent on Earth. Join Simon Garrod and Peter Clutterbuck as they embark on a sledge journey into remote, unexplored regions in the Antarctica and ascend three unclimbed peaks, 700 miles from the South Pole. The story begins with the plans and preparations for the expedition. The journey to 80 degrees south via Cape Horn in a Russian cargo plane and onto a ski plane to reach the Heritage Range in the Ellsworth Mountains, the highest mountain ranges in Antarctica. The crew set six camps, climbed steep glaciers hauling heavy sledges to finally summit three unclimbed peaks, with ice axes and crampons in temperatures -25C. A fourth peak was attempted, but abandoned due to dangerous, wide crevasses mostly hidden under fragile ice bridges and a detour that exposed the team to a forbidding ice cliff. A nine day storm then confined the crew to Base Camp in blizzard conditions. This documentary gives you a feel of living and travelling on the ice, facing extreme conditions and unexpected obstacles that can confront an expedition. There are not many unexplored places left on the planet and this program captures the thrill of the unknown.