T8927 - The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance Ethnic Dance-Han Watch Now

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T8927 - The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance Ethnic Dance-Han

The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance Ethnic Dance-Han
Item No. T8927

The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance Ethnic Dance-Han

Series: Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance
Item No: T8927
Length: 8 minutes
UPC: 709629089273
Copyright: 2016
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $99.00
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 16 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Han is the largest ethnic group in China, whose people inhabit the middle and eastern regions of the country. Han's folk dance tradition started on the streets in the 5th century as ritual events. Nowadays, this tradition named Yangko flourishes everywhere, on the streets, in classrooms and on stages. This program showcases a myriad of Yangko forms, both on and off stage, including Northeastern Yanko, Shandong Yanko and Shanbei Yanko, each has its distinctive features. The stage presentations of the Northeastern Yanko titled Happy Snow choreographed by WANG Xiaoyan and performed by MING Li of Shanghai Theatre Academy and the Shandong Yanko named Blossoms of Mountain Flowers choreographed by CHI Hong and MIAO Xiaolong and performed/produced by the Dance Department of Shanghai Normal University are stunning examples of this dance form.