K4533 - Technology Graphics Science's Helping Hand Watch Now

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K4533 - Technology Graphics Science's Helping Hand

Technology Graphics Science's Helping Hand
Item No. K4533

Technology Graphics Science's Helping Hand

Series: Show Me Science Technology
Item No: K4533
Length: 14 minutes
UPC: 709629045330
Copyright: 2009
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 4-9
Age Range: 10-15
Teachers Guide
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 28 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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The Wonders of Technology, Genetic Engineering, Biotechnology Science series covers subjects from Robots, Transportation, Agricultural Science, Science in the Third World, Making Plants Grow Plastic & New Miracles from Science. Students will develop a basic understanding of the fundamentals of Technology and work their way up to more complex subjects. Computers have been transformed from simple data storage devices into powerful picture makers used in a variety of ways. This program explores the exploding field of computer graphics and their applications in the entertainment, science, medical and military fields. Includes suggestions for careers in this field of study.