F2000 - Star Trek Deep Space Nine A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of Martok with Hollywood's Special Makeup Effects Artist Dave Quashnick Watch Now

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F2000 - Star Trek Deep Space Nine A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of Martok with Hollywood's Special Makeup Effects Artist Dave Quashnick

Star Trek Deep Space Nine A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of Martok with Hollywood's Special Makeup Effects Artist Dave Quashnick
Item No. F2000

Star Trek Deep Space Nine A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of Martok with Hollywood's Special Makeup Effects Artist Dave Quashnick

Item No: F2000
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 70962911
Copyright: 2007
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
SRP: $99.00
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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A rare behind-the-scenes from the set of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Watch the entire makeup process from beginning to end as effects master Dave Quashnick transforms actors J.G. Hertzler into Klingon general, Martok. Makeup enthusiasts, students, and Star Trek fans will be fascinated to witness the application of makeup appliances and paint to create the marauding Martok in a detailed step-by-step format.