CH10049 - Spiritual Guidance How to deal with Spiritual Challenges & Knowledge that GOD is always with Us even when we Go Astray Watch Now

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CH10049 - Spiritual Guidance How to deal with Spiritual Challenges & Knowledge that GOD is always with Us even when we Go Astray

Spiritual Guidance How to deal with Spiritual Challenges & Knowledge that GOD is always with Us even when we Go Astray
Item No. CH10049

Spiritual Guidance How to deal with Spiritual Challenges & Knowledge that GOD is always with Us even when we Go Astray

Series: Faith & Health Issues Christian Solutions
Item No: CH10049
Length: 60 minutes
UPC: 709629100497
Copyright: 2013
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: Adult
Age Range: 25-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 2 hours of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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This program helps families incorporate Christian values into their daily lives. It reinforces traditional values and gives guidance on how to approach life's challenges and the tools needed to deal with them. Each program provides support for families through a Christian perspective along with practical advice on every aspect of living as a Christian in today's World. God's Search for You - He is always with Us even When we go Astray: People who are searching for God often look in all the wrong places, before discovering that they have been the object of God's own loving and persistent search for them. Noted theologians and reflective laypersons express how God, like a caring, watchful shepherd, seeks us out and inspires in us, life-transforming recognition and the knowledge, that God is always with us even when we go astray. Is Jesus Number One? ...the Son of God, the Messiah, our Savior? Who is Jesus Christ anyway? Is He simply a compelling spiritual figure whose life and teachings inspired a major religious movement? Or is Jesus actually...the Son of God, the Messiah, our Savior? The answer can make "a world of difference". With thought provoking examples and insightful points, "Is Jesus Number One?" tackles many tough and confusing issues Christians face bringing clarity and a new perspective to each. Stories of the Soul - Life after September 11: How Faith helps to rebuild lives and teaches us how to deal with some of the greatest spiritual challenges of our time. The tragic event on September 11, 2001 still affects the lives of millions of Americans. Many still feel the safety of their livelihood and the livelihoods of their loved ones was shaken. After that tragic day, many found comfort in churches, mosques, synagogues and other foundations of faith and most experienced a transformation and found a greater importance in our souls and spirituality. Life was forever changed for millions of Americans across the world as many grappled with the emotional and spiritual impact from September 11th. This program documents a day none of us will ever forget and discusses how Faith played an important role helping us to deal with all that happened. We are shown a path toward rebuilding our lives on a stronger foundation as we learn to deal with some of the greatest spiritual challenges of our time.