L7984 - Soccer Legends - Rivaldo Ferreira Watch Now

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L7984 - Soccer Legends - Rivaldo Ferreira

Soccer Legends - Rivaldo Ferreira
Item No. L7984

Soccer Legends - Rivaldo Ferreira

Series: The Biography Series - Leaders, Legends and Headline Makers
Item No: L7984
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 709629279841
Copyright: 2020
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $24.99
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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For years international football has been dominated by the flashy, entertaining and extremely skilful stars from the South American nation of Brazil. The country has provided the world with a production line of footballing greats, whose legends will long outlast their careers. This time we shine the spotlight on the amazing rags to riches tale of Rivaldo Vitor Borba Ferreira, known to his friends and fans simply as, Rivaldo.