K4863 - Roller Skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy Watch Now

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K4863 - Roller Skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy

Roller Skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy
Item No. K4863

Roller Skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy

Series: Curious About Science
Item No: K4863
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 709629248632
Copyright: 2018
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Roller skates, Baking, Bamboo, Books, Bridges, Calendar, Calligraphy. Find out about the inner workings and origins of the things that pique your curiosity. Roller Skates: Roller skates are basically wheels attached to shoes. Sometimes the wheels themselves are built under the soles while other designs allow them to be detachable from the shoes Baking: Baking is a method of cooking that uses prolonged dry heat where food is usually placed in an oven, causes dough or batter to develop a firm dry crust and a softer center which produces what we call baked goods such as tarts, cakes, and custards. Bamboo: Bamboos are actually a subfamily of flowering perennial evergreen plants that belong to the grass family Poaceae. Books: There are all types of books, ones that contain stories or novels. Bridges: A bridge is a structure that serves as passage across or over an obstacle such as a body of water, a valley, or another road. Calendar: A calendar is a system that numbers days and categorizes them into weeks, months, and years for social, religious, commercial, or administrative uses. With the help of calendars, dates are made standard or universal so people do not get confused in setting meetings and planning activities. Calligraphy: Calligraphy is a visual art that involves writing in creative designs through expressive, harmonious, and skillful lettering. It is the activity behind the beautiful fonts that we see on words printed or inscribed on wedding invitations, graphic designs, religious art, cut-stone, and more.


