In this section, users will learn how to install Unity and learn the basics of where things are. It will also teach the various methods in which to move characters within a game. Learning chapters include: Installing Unity & quick overview, Setting up project folders, Choosing an IDE (Script Editor), Scaffolding our Character Controller script, Update vs Fixed Update, Get Player Input & Handle Player Input, Adding terrain & player objects, Methods we can use to move our character, Understanding Rigid-bodies, Understanding Ray-casts.
Unity is the ultimate game development platform and the world's leading third party game making solution. This course is an excellent introduction to the basics of Unity and the best way to learn game development with special attention to player movement and character building to create the ultimate gaming experience. You'll learn quality game development in Unity and 2D character controller, the different methods for moving a player around in a game world, a better understanding of Unity's 2D Physics system, understanding how to use Raycasts, writing a C# character controller script from scratch, adding game mechanics to a character controller (walk, run, jump, double jump, wall slide, wall jump), getting input from other players and adding animation to your character controller. By the end of the course students will be able to write their own custom character controller with core game mechanics and have the confidence to add new mechanics to their game.