K5017 - Norskedalen Valley - A Naturally Historic Place of Sheer Beauty Watch Now

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K5017 - Norskedalen Valley - A Naturally Historic Place of Sheer Beauty

Norskedalen Valley - A Naturally Historic Place of Sheer Beauty
Item No. K5017

Norskedalen Valley - A Naturally Historic Place of Sheer Beauty

Series: Discover Wisconsin
Item No: K5017
Length: 25 minutes
UPC: 709629250178
Copyright: 2019
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Norskedalen (Which means Norwegian Valley) is situated in the Coulee region of the state. This beautifully preserved open-air museum and nature preserve sits on 400 acres of land. With miles of hiking trails and a breathtaking arboretum with natural springs and streams, Norskedalen is a place of sheer beauty. Tour the visitors center and get a quick history lesson of the Norwegians that settled the area. Walk through Bekkum Farmstead and see how people lived back in the late 1800s, or simply enjoy the serenity of a peaceful hike through the grounds of Naturally Historic - Norskedalen. Follow along as hosts Eric Paulsen and Mariah Haberman explore the Visitor's Center, Bekkum Farmstead, Paulsen Cabin, Benrud Chapel, and Helga Gundersen Arboretum.