F9791 - Making A Good Script Great Watch Now

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F9791 - Making A Good Script Great

Making A Good Script Great
Item No. F9791

Making A Good Script Great

Series: Making a Good Script Great
Item No: F9791
Length: 90 minutes
UPC: 70962911
Copyright: 2003
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $79.00
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Features Structuring The Story, Expressing The Theme and Creating Unforgettable Characters. Noted Hollywood script consultant, international lecturer and author Dr. Linda Seger, analyzes theelements necessary to make a good script great. Dr. Linda Seger is an international script consultant, seminar leader and public speaker. Her clients include TriStar Pictures, MGM/UA, Turner Network, ABC and CBS. She is the author of six books, including the best-selling "Making A Good Script Great" and "Creating Unforgettable Characters." Structuring The Story: An invaluable tool for screenwriters showing what it takes to make a script both artistic, well crafted and ways to use structure to support your personal vision. It will help develop your skills for telling a dramatic and compelling story, articulate the skills you know intuitively and help you analyze and solve the problems to get your script back on track. Creating Unforgetable Characters: Audiences remember characters. This program teaches how to create the character's world to make it "ring true" so that audiences understand and identify with it, create multi-dimensional and realistic characters and create strong character relationships that pull the audience into the action. Expressing The Theme: Ideal for producers, executives and writers, Expressing the Theme is a three part program that illustrates the concepts through referring to both classical and contemporary film.