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KB9360 - Let's Discover All About New York City

Let's Discover All About New York City
Item No. KB9360

Let's Discover All About New York City

Series: Explore Our Adventurous World with Passport Poppy
Item No: KB9360
Length: 35 minutes
UPC: 709629093607
Copyright: 2024
CC: No
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 1-6
Age Range: 7-12
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Get ready for an epic adventure in New York City! We're going to climb to the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty and reach the top of the Empire State Building. There's so much to explore and tons of fun waiting for us in the Big Apple! Next, we'll be dazzled by the bright lights of Times Square and discover the wonders of Central Park, including the hidden gem of Turtle Pond. We'll also check out the magic at FAO Schwarz with all the toys and tricks! NYC is packed with excitement at every corner! Fun fact: Did you know the Statue of Liberty is actually located right between New York and New Jersey? It was a special gift to the United States! Let's get ready to learn more and climb up Lady Liberty herself!