This documentary tells the personal stories of current and former Black Astronauts, of their journey to achieve the impossible with their tenacity and courage and overcoming barriers to allow others to follow. From the heartbreaking story of Ed Dwight, first African American to be considered by NASA only later to be rejected, to Guion "Guy" Bluford becoming the First African American Astronaut to fly into space. Learn about these decorated heroes and find out about their commitment and fortitude and overcoming obstacles to lead the way for African Americans in Space Exploration. These men have made American history with contributions that include participating in space shuttle missions to perform critical tasks such as deploying and retrieving satellites, performing spacewalks, conducting science and technology research and designing and implementing rocket propulsion vessels for the robotic exploration of space. Featuring: Charles Frank Bolden, Colonel Guion S. Bluford, Jr., Robert H. Goddard, Captain Edward Dwight Jr., Major General Charles Bolden, Captain Winston E. Scott, Major Robert Lawrence Jr., Alvin Drew NASA Astronaut, Bernard A. Harris NASA Astronaut, Captain Robert Curbeam, Leland Melvin NFL Player - NASA Astronaut, Frank Robinson NASA Engineer and Victor Glover - Artemis Astronaut.