L6001 - Leadership by the Book Watch Now

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L6001 - Leadership by the Book

Leadership by the Book
Item No. L6001

Leadership by the Book

Item No: L6001
Length: 276 minutes
UPC: 709629260016
Copyright: 2004
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-12
Age Range: 14-18
SRP: $99.00
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 9 hours, 12 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Twelve candid Interviews on Leadership hosted by Ken Blanchard. Ken Blanchard, leadership extraordinare and world-renowned author interviewed some of today's most capable leaders. Each has discovered both the joy and the practicality of servant leadership. Use them at work, at church, at home, wherever servant leadership could make a difference! Disc 1 Bob Buford :The Journey From Success to significance and beyond, C. William Pollard: God and Business Do Mix, Estean Lenyoun & Rosey Grier: Making a difference by serving others, Laurie Beth Jones: Doing God's Mission in Life, Don Soderquist: Ethics in Leadership, Dan Cathy: Serving the vision in the Next Generation. Disc 2 Linda Stirling: Managing Money in Uncertain Times, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones: Enthusiastic Living, Bobby Ukrop: Building a Heritage of Values, Wally Armstrong: Managing in the present, Ken Jennings: Letting go and letting God- Leadership's Daily Challenge, Tom Muccio: Leading and Living an Integrated Life.