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K5321 - How to Behave in the Library

How to Behave in the Library
Item No. K5321

How to Behave in the Library

Series: Charley Chapters
Item No: K5321
Length: 11 minutes
UPC: 709629253216
Copyright: 2020
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 2-4
Age Range: 8-10
View Series
SRP: $34.95
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Nathaniel has a tough assignment. He is supposed to write down all of the rules on how to behave in the library and why it is important to follow each rule. With the help of his good friend Emily, Charley Chapters and the library media specialist Ms. Bookley, Nathaniel tackles his assignment with enthusiasm. By the end of the program Nathaniel and Emily understand the reason why each rule is important. They discover that when you follow the rules you help make the library more enjoyable for everyone. Some of the rules covered in this program are: Use your quiet inside voice, make sure you have clean hands, Take care of all library materials, Walk don't run, Clean up after yourself, Check out books before leaving, Return books on time and Be considerate of others.