L4811 - Genocide The Horror Continues Watch Now

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L4811 - Genocide The Horror Continues

Genocide The Horror Continues
Item No. L4811

Genocide The Horror Continues

Series: Genocide Factor Atrocities From Biblical Times To The Present
Item No: L4811
Length: 57 minutes
UPC: 709629048119
Copyright: 2001
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-12
Age Range: 15-18
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 54 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Introduced by Academy Award-winning actor John Voight, this award-winning series presents the definitive, most comprehensive overview of the history of genocide. With the aid of an impressive array of scholars, experts, eyewitnesses, and survivors from around the world, the programs examine the complex dimensions of human nature's darkest side. The late 20th century produced a sinister euphemism: "ethnic cleansing." This program concludes a comprehensive survey of genocide by looking at the most recent examples in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey; Burundi and Rwanda; the former Yugoslavia; Indonesia and East Timor; and Chechnya. The role and efforts of the United Nations are discussed as well as what the future holds in trying to prevent genocide. Among many scholars, experts, and survivors interviewed are Jamsheed Marker, former U.S. Ambassador and negotiator to East Timor; Gregory H. Stanton, director of Genocide Watch; and Joseph Mutaboba, Rwandan Ambassador to the UN. Educational use price outside the USA and Canada is $99 per volume with classroom viewing rights. Home Video pricing cannot be used in any educational or institutional environments. Educational use of the Genocide Factor Programs are not available in US and Canada.