L7916 - Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Emile Zola Watch Now

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L7916 - Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Emile Zola

Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Emile Zola
Item No. L7916

Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Emile Zola

Series: Famous Authors
Item No: L7916
Length: 35 minutes
UPC: 709629279162
Copyright: 2001
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-College
Age Range: 15-24
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Zola was born the son of an Italian engineer. He early determined to be a writer and via work with the publishing firm Hachette, he began writing the many realistic novels with which he made his mark. His work was very popular with a wide audience and he was seen as a champion of democracy and the people. He was exiled for the stance he took against the government at the Dreyfus trial. The film traces his successful and industrious life and ends with an overview of his works.


