L7875 - Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Confucius Watch Now

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L7875 - Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Confucius

Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Confucius
Item No. L7875

Famous Authors: The Life and Work of Confucius

Series: Famous Authors
Item No: L7875
Length: 36 minutes
UPC: 709629278752
Copyright: 2008
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-College
Age Range: 15-24
View Series
SRP: $44.95
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 12 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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This film by Malcolm Hossick explores the life and work of the Chinese sage known to the west as Confucius. He did not found a religion and there is nothing about what he said which we have to believe. But the ideas about government and how humans should behave if they wish to live a frutiful life have coloured Chinese life throughout its history. The film explores his background and ideas and how even today Confucius is a powerful force for good in Chinese society.