L7880 - Famous Authors:  The Life and Work Edgar Allan Poe Watch Now

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L7880 - Famous Authors:  The Life and Work Edgar Allan Poe

Famous Authors: The Life and Work Edgar Allan Poe
Item No. L7880

Famous Authors: The Life and Work Edgar Allan Poe

Series: Famous Authors
Item No: L7880
Length: 44 minutes
UPC: 709629278806
Copyright: 2016
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-College
Age Range: 15-24
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston the son of actors David and Elizabeth Poe. His father disappeared when he was three and his mother died a year later. He was adopted by a Richmond, Virginia family called Allan. When he was 17 he was disowned by his foster parents. He was determined to be a writer and through many difficulties he succeeded ibecoming one of the first great imaginative writers in the United States. This film by Malcolm Hossick covers his extraordinary life and goes some way to explaining his remarkable and continuing success. It is followed by a brief overview of his work.


