CH10036 - Faith Behind Bars Women in Prison Watch Now

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CH10036 - Faith Behind Bars Women in Prison

Faith Behind Bars Women in Prison
Item No. CH10036

Faith Behind Bars Women in Prison

Item No: CH10036
Length: 21 minutes
UPC: 709629100367
Copyright: 2013
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: Adult
Age Range: 25-Adult
SRP: $29.95
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 42 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Leading Women out of Personal and Spiritual Brokenness & helping to Transform Lives through Faith in God. Women who have committed serious crimes are not beyond the help of God and the compassionate people who minister to them. But what about their children? Is there hope? Can lives be changed? This program focuses on the ministries role of leading women out of personal and spiritual brokenness by telling them about God's love and His ability to transform their lives and help bring about change. As they recognize the poor choices they have made and the consequences of those choices, they begin to see hope, want to lead better lives and recognize and accept the word of God.