F3000 - Everything You Need to Know About Matteboxes, Sunshades, French Flags, Electro-Monic Follow Focus & Monitor Holders Watch Now

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F3000 - Everything You Need to Know About Matteboxes, Sunshades, French Flags, Electro-Monic Follow Focus & Monitor Holders

Everything You Need to Know About Matteboxes, Sunshades, French Flags, Electro-Monic Follow Focus & Monitor Holders
Item No. F3000

Everything You Need to Know About Matteboxes, Sunshades, French Flags, Electro-Monic Follow Focus & Monitor Holders

Series: Training in Digital Filmmaking
Item No: F3000
Length: 58 minutes
UPC: 709629230002
Copyright: 2011
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 11-Adult
Age Range: 17-Adult
View Series
SRP: $49.95
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 56 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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This teaching course teaches Mounting Matteboxes, Using French Flags, Side Flags, Baseplates and Rods, Sunshades, Filter Holders, Camera Design Issues, Zoom Controllers, Electronic Focus and much more. How do they achieve that crisp, contrast look in films, even when shooting into the sun? Why is it that when you try it, the shot is milky or hazy? The Mattebox is the device that solves that problem. It's great shooting into the sun. You get great highlights everywhere, the actors are naturally backlit, the sun isn't in their eyes and the scene looks more dynamic. But you need protection for the camera lens from haze and the major culprit, flare. Matteboxes allow you to control flare like never before. They also allow you to mount 44 and sometimes 45.65 filters all this is demonstrated in the program.LENS HOODS, ADAPTERS AND ZOOM CONTROL. They shade your wide angle lens adapters which may or may not come with their own lens hoods. After that, learn all about the essential zoom controller. Even if you never zoom in the shot (as any pro filmmaker would) you need a zoom controller to easily change the focal length of your lens without moving your hand away from the pan handle. If you need to zoom for say, an industrial or how-to video, or for effect, the zoom controller is indispensable for providing a smooth focal length change without unnecessary jitter on the camera body. Learn all about electronic zoom and focus controllers in Lens Hoods, Adapters and Zoom Control.