F3002 - Everything You Need to Know About Heavy Studio Dollies, Dolly Tracks, Dolly Moves Pro Mike Booms and Jib Moves Watch Now

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F3002 - Everything You Need to Know About Heavy Studio Dollies, Dolly Tracks, Dolly Moves Pro Mike Booms and Jib Moves

Everything You Need to Know About Heavy Studio Dollies, Dolly Tracks, Dolly Moves Pro Mike Booms and Jib Moves
Item No. F3002

Everything You Need to Know About Heavy Studio Dollies, Dolly Tracks, Dolly Moves Pro Mike Booms and Jib Moves

Series: Training in Digital Filmmaking
Item No: F3002
Length: 35 minutes
UPC: 709629230026
Copyright: 2011
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 11-Adult
Age Range: 17-Adult
View Series
SRP: $49.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour, 10 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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With 35-year Veteran Hollywood Key Grip Chet Spinney. This teaching course teaches Heavy Studio Dollies, Balancing Dolly Track, Proper Dollying Methods, Dolly & Jib Moves, Pro Mic Booms and much more. You can get away with using compact dollies on many occasions, but there are certain situations where you will be required to help set up or operate a heavy dolly. Spinney will help you understand the principles of balancing a dolly track, pushing techniques, proper movement, and braking. After that, Steve Schuneman will share his extensive experience operating Pro Mic Booms on multi-million dollar TV shows. He will show you how to operate a pro mic boom, or communicate with your boom operator so that you can have a more productive set experience. As a filmmaker, you should be familiar with the operation and terminology, facets and limitations, of every piece of equipment on the set. This program will help get you one step farther, in a generally ignored part of the industry that doesn't get the glitz of body-mounted camera systems, but has been a mainstay of every indie and studio film for decades.