T8976 - Discover Albany & Saratoga Springs Watch Now

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T8976 - Discover Albany & Saratoga Springs

Discover Albany & Saratoga Springs
Item No. T8976

Discover Albany & Saratoga Springs

Series: Travel Thru History
Item No: T8976
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 709629089761
Copyright: 2019
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-Adult
Age Range: 14-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
Purchase Options:
Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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We're headed upstate to Albany and Saratoga Springs. We'll take the Albany capital tour and see five former NY governors who would become US Presidents. Then, we'll board the USS Slater and see how America defended its fleet against German U-boats in WWII. We'll sample the mineral water in Saratoga Springs, and bet the farm at their famous thoroughbred raceway. Then, we'll learn how important the Battle of Saratoga was for America's future at Saratoga battlefield.