Perhaps no invention has impacted our everyday lives more than the computer. Computers have transformed the fields of sci- ence, medicine, education, entertainment and research, to name a few. In fact, it's hard to think of any area of our everyday lives that has not been affected by computer technology. Computers have become an indispensable part of our lives. A computer is made up of Hardware, the machine, the hard drive, the boards and chips, which take instructions from Software - or applications. The result is a completed task, or epic graphics in a game or pin-point accuracy in a robot assisted medical procedure. From a steam-driven prototype developed in the early 1800s, to the first computer built in 1941, which could process 29 equations simultaneously, to the microprocessor developed by Intel - the evolution of the computer is amazing. The first computers, developed in the mid 1940s took up an entire room. Today the microprocessor, smaller than a fingernail, delivers immense computng capabilities to run today'sapplications.