FCOMBATSET - Complete Unarmed Combat Series Learning the Basics, Perfecting the Fundamentals & Mastering the Techniques Watch Now

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FCOMBATSET - Complete Unarmed Combat Series Learning the Basics, Perfecting the Fundamentals & Mastering the Techniques

Complete Unarmed Combat Series Learning the Basics, Perfecting the Fundamentals & Mastering the Techniques

Complete Unarmed Combat Series Learning the Basics, Perfecting the Fundamentals & Mastering the Techniques

Series: Unarmed Combat Series
Length: 149 minutes
Copyright: 2006
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $267.00
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SAVE $30 & Get the complete 3 DVD Set! The Complete Unarmed Combat Series teaches Learning the Basics, Perfecting the Fundamentals and Mastering the Techniques. Each program teaches students how to create safe, believable, exciting fights on stage, taught by two of the most prominent fight directors in the American Theatre. A practical and visual tool for students, actors and teachers alike, that will reduce the chance of injury to students and actors! David Leong and J. Allen Suddeth have over 24 Broadway and 750 television episodes between them and are teachers at Julliard School, Rutgers, VCU and NYU. With step-by-step instruction, these award-winning Fight Directors and Master Teachers show you how to "hit without hurting" in a three part series of classes. Shot on a sound stage with multiple cameras, each program teaches students the techniques in great detail, while highlighting the safety elements behind the illusions. Each DVD comes with a downloadable Teacher/Student study guide.