K5080 - Clement Bouvier - Ursus Watch Now

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K5080 - Clement Bouvier - Ursus

Clement Bouvier - Ursus
Item No. K5080

Clement Bouvier - Ursus

Series: Taste of France - Masterchefs Share Their Secrets
Item No: K5080
Length: 24 minutes
UPC: 709629250802
Copyright: 2022
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 6-Adult
Age Range: 12-Adult
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Ursus started as a family business, a restaurant built by Clement Bouviers father, at 3000 meters of altitude in the Savoy region. In his quest to amaze his guests, Clement aims to always surprise, always exceed their expectations. By bringing the very forest to the table, both in his cuisine and in architecture, his visitors are in for a special and unique treat. We'll get to meet one of Clements favourite producers, that with a heart for quality and sustainable cultivation.