F1116 - Character With Nicholas Kazan and Paul Attanasio Watch Now

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F1116 - Character With Nicholas Kazan and Paul Attanasio

Character With Nicholas Kazan and Paul Attanasio
Item No. F1116

Character With Nicholas Kazan and Paul Attanasio

Series: The Art of Screenwriting
Item No: F1116
Length: 90 minutes
UPC: 70962911
Copyright: 2003
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $79.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 3 hours of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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With Nick Kazan (Bicentennial Man, Fallen, Reversal of Fortune) & Paul Attanasio (Sum Of All Fears, Donnie Brasco, Quiz Show). Learn the mystery of character, character dictating plot, character information, biographies, real characters vs. fictional characters, writing a franchise character, rules to break and not to break. Subjects covered include: Who should be your protagonist? Does plot or character come first? How do you find the right characters to suit your needs? How do you get a character to do what you want? How to you get your characters to do what they want?