K4508 - Biology Understanding Animal Behavior Watch Now

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K4508 - Biology Understanding Animal Behavior

Biology Understanding Animal Behavior
Item No. K4508

Biology Understanding Animal Behavior

Series: Show Me Science Biology
Item No: K4508
Length: 15 minutes
UPC: 709629045088
Copyright: 2008
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 4-9
Age Range: 10-15
Teachers Guide
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 30 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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The Wonders of Biology series covers subjects from animals and insects to plants and fungi. Students will develop a basic understanding of the fundamentals of Biology and work their way up to more complex subjects. Are animals intelligent? Bees communicate with each other and monkeys use rocks and sticks to help them get food. Is this instinctual or is it evidence of thought? Some scientists believe that one measure of intelligence is self-awareness and that an animal's reaction to its own image in a mirror can tell us whether or not it is self-aware. This program looks at fish, birds, monkeys and primates and their reactions to themselves in a mirror. Researchers look for signs of self-recognition as they observe, record and interpret the reactions of these animals. Includes suggestions for careers in this field of study.