F806 - Basic Field Production 2 Set Collection Watch Now

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F806 - Basic Field Production 2 Set Collection

Basic Field Production 2 Set Collection
Item No. F806

Basic Field Production 2 Set Collection

Series: Basic Field Production
Item No: F806
Length: 56 minutes
Copyright: 1992
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $168.00
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SAVE $30 Get the Complete 2 DVD Set for ONLY $168.00! These programs follow a small crew through a location interview shoot, as they plan their strategy and solve dozens of typical field production problems. Clear dramatizations, humor and 3D animation make each point vivid and memorable. This set includes Basic Field Production: Sound Recording & Lighting. Follow the sound recordist step-by-step through advance planning, evaluating the location, choosing the right equipment for the session, mixing strategies, test recording and session procedure. Plus follow the cinematographer through an interview shoot as he demonstrates a variety of options for creating a distinctive look with limited equipment. This is lighting you can do from the back of a van.