F934 - Audition With Michael Shurtleff (Communication & Competition, Importance, Finding the Events) Watch Now

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F934 - Audition With Michael Shurtleff (Communication & Competition, Importance, Finding the Events)

Audition With Michael Shurtleff (Communication & Competition, Importance, Finding the Events)
Item No. F934

Audition With Michael Shurtleff (Communication & Competition, Importance, Finding the Events)

Series: Audition Series with Michael Shurtleff
Item No: F934
Length: 30 minutes
UPC: 70962911
Copyright: 1996
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $99.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 1 hour of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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Communication and Competition: Getting beyond self-expression to true communication: a continuous cycle of messages and responses , energized by competition. Importance: Locating the dramatic core. Even a minor character must approach each scene as if their life will be destroyed if they don't win. Finding The Events: "What's really happening in the play?" It's always a change in a relationship and the actor must locate that change and find a way to physicalize it.