The complex and intriguing philosophies of Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras are analyzed in a simple, yet comprehensive fashion suitable for both student and scholar. With stunning graphics set against the beautiful backdrops of the Acropolis in Athens and the Oracles at Delphi, this program traces the evolution of these influential thinkers.
Centers on the lives and philosophies of Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. As each philosopher is profiled, footage of ancient ruins (restored to their original state through computer animation) and camera pans of sculptures, paintings, illustrations and artifacts help viewers visualize the original splendor of Greece. - Candace Smith, Booklist. Ancient Greece traces the history of Greek philosophical thought from its beginnings through the decline, with the advent of Christianity and subsequent renewal of interest in the Neo-Platonists. Recommended for content. - Library Journal. This presentation is appropriate for higher level high school or college courses dealing with Western Civilization or the Ancient World. - School Library Journal. Ancient Greece traces the history of Greek philosophical thought from its beginnings through the decline, with the advent of Christianity and subsequent renewal of interest in the Neo-Platonists. Recommended for content. - Library Journal.