L4817 - American Literary Classics The Transcendentalists On Walden Pond, Summer & Winter Henry David Thoreau Reflections The Life & Writings of Henry David Thoreau Watch Now

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L4817 - American Literary Classics The Transcendentalists On Walden Pond, Summer & Winter Henry David Thoreau Reflections The Life & Writings of Henry David Thoreau

American Literary Classics The Transcendentalists On Walden Pond, Summer & Winter Henry David Thoreau Reflections The Life & Writings of Henry David Thoreau
Item No. L4817

American Literary Classics The Transcendentalists On Walden Pond, Summer & Winter Henry David Thoreau Reflections The Life & Writings of Henry David Thoreau

Series: New England Transcendentalists
Item No: L4817
Length: 20 minutes
UPC: 709629048171
Copyright: 2009
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 8-12
Age Range: 14-18
View Series
SRP: $69.95
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Watch Now: Please note you'll have 40 minutes of viewing time for this title, during the 24 hour period after your purchase.

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The American Literary Classics - On Walden Pond, Summer and Winter offers students and teachers a first of its kind introduction to Thoreau's life at Walden Pond in summer and winter. This program presents a basic and essential insight for a first introduction to this famous American philosopher, writer and Intellect living and working at Walden Pond from 1845-1847. T.C. Boyle, author and English Professor at University of California, reads several passages from Thoreau's winter journals to emphasize the rhythm and beauty of Thoreau's words for today's audio attuned students. For the first time ever, this unit offers an intimate walk around Walden Pond in the winter to experience what Thoreau would have seen and heard. Learn about the Boston/Fitchburg train tracks next to his cabin, or the ice cutting by Irish immigrants on Walden Pond. Re-live the actual trail walks, sights and sounds in his world as never before recorded for this famous American writer. Transcendentalist historian and Thoreau actor, Richard Smith, introduces a profile of Thoreau's a daily life while living at Walden Pond. By Recreating Thoreau's life at Walden Pond in both summer and winter, this program provides a glimpse into 19th century life for this extraordinary environmentalists, botanist, linguist, philosopher and writer. With featured insights by distinguished historian/actor, Richard Smith, one discovers essential information about Thoreau's seasonal active life while living in his cabin and travelling about Walden Pond and Concord, Massachusetts. CHAPTER SEGMENTS: Each Chapter is tailored appropriately for today's busy class schedule. To recognize the value of Thoreau in a classroom setting, each of the seven Thoreau Chapters opens with specific, relevant and applicable interpretations for today's student, regardless of age.