FACTS3 - Acting for Success 3 Set Collection Watch Now

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FACTS3 - Acting for Success 3 Set Collection

Acting for Success 3 Set Collection
Item No. FACTS3

Acting for Success 3 Set Collection

Series: Acting for Success
Item No: FACTS3
Length: 120 minutes
Copyright: 2011
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: English
Grade Level: 9-Adult
Age Range: 15-Adult
View Series
SRP: $129.00
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SAVE $80! & Get the 3 DVD Set for Only $129.00. Getting Started - This program provides guidance on how to get started as a professional actor, including information on headshots and putting together a professional resume. You'll learn about the submission process and how you can get work on your own through industry media and online casting. Also covered is how to get "extra work" and how to get paid to learn while working on a film or television set. This program provides valuable information about talent representation with Agents and Managers and the differences between the two agencies. Teaches: Getting Started, Resumes, Extra Work, Submissions, Agents & Managers, Auditioning. Bonus Material: Includes tips from professionals Suze Lanier (Headshot Photographer to the Stars), Cameron Fierro (Actor). The Working Actors Guide - Geared for the actor or actress who is already "working" in the business and has representation. It covers all types of acting opportunities including commercials, soap operas, industrial films, music videos, television and film and includes the different approaches and audition techniques unique to each type of audition. There is also a separate segment on improvisation and how important it is for actors to learn to improvise and "think outside the box". Teaches: Audition Callbacks, Wardrobe, Casting Directors, Types of Acting Work, Commercials, Soap Operas, Industrial Films, Music Videos, Improvisation, Modeling, Stunts. Bonus Material: Includes tips from professionals Jeff Olan (Casting Director - "Medium", "Grey's Anatomy", "Pulp Fiction"), Eddie Conna (Actor/Stuntman - "Fast & Furious", "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles), Catherine Asimov (Fashion Photographer). The Business of Acting - A must-see for any actor no matter what level. Most actors are not as successful as they should be, because they don't understand the business of acting. This program gives a great insight into the value of networking, marketing and self-promotion that will take you to the next level of success. Also covered are the do's and don'ts of casting director workshops and what you need to know for an effective demo reel. Actors need to understand that having an agent or manager is just the beginning to success. It is vital to continuously promote and market yourself. Teaches: Casting Director Workshops, The Business of Show Business, Networking, Marketing, Post Cards, Demo Reels. Bonus Material: Includes tips from professionals Tyler Nietzel (Actor - "300", "Brothers and Sisters"), Daniel Roebuck (Actor - "Lost", "CSI Miami"), Tim Russ (Actor/Writer/Director - Series Regular on "Star Trek: Voyager", "Samantha Who?", "ER"), Josh Cruze (Actor - "24", "ER"), Garret Wang - (Actor - Series Regular on Star Trek: Voyager).