K9020 - Human Nature - Sincerity, Purpose & Service Watch Now

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K9020 - Human Nature - Sincerity, Purpose & Service

Human Nature - Sincerity, Purpose & Service
Item No. K9020

Human Nature - Sincerity, Purpose & Service

Series: Human Nature
Item No: K9020
Length: 25 minutes
UPC: 709629090200
Copyright: 2018
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: ENGLISH
Grade Level: 6-12
Age Range: 12-18
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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This program our program comes as usual with three guests and three very interesting themes. We will start with Felistas la flamenco, who will talk to us about sincerity, which is when we express ourselves clearly with the truth and are correct in everything we do and say. He will tell us a story where we will see the importance of being honest with the people around us. Then Rain the flame, it will explain the importance of a purpose, which is the firm intention to do something, or when you set a goal. Of course it includes everything that leads us to achieve it, from something small to something much bigger. We will close our episode with wonderful courage. The service. And who better than Delta the donkey to teach us all about it. Starting with its concept, which is to have the willingness to help other people and also to value and meet the needs of others. When we are helpful, we feel very well, and we also make others happy. Something really important to live in our daily environment.


