K9042 - Human Nature - Perseverance, Honesty & Individuality Watch Now

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K9042 - Human Nature - Perseverance, Honesty & Individuality

Human Nature - Perseverance, Honesty & Individuality
Item No. K9042

Human Nature - Perseverance, Honesty & Individuality

Series: Human Nature
Item No: K9042
Length: 25 minutes
UPC: 709629090422
Copyright: 2018
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: ENGLISH
Grade Level: 6-12
Age Range: 12-18
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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As is customary, Human Nature brings us three guests who will bring us the teaching of three important values essential to life. We will begin with Bolivar the beaver, who comes to give us the key to perseverance. To be persevering we must have a clear objective that justifies the effort, no matter how long it takes to achieve it. We will continue with Helen the Hippopotamus to talk about honesty, from the perspective of acting according to what we feel and what we think and also from the respect for that which belongs to other people. To conclude, Zetta the Zebra will tell us a story based on individuality, where Nastia, a Russian girl, realized that no matter how much she likes to be with her friends, she doesnt have to be the same as them. She will discover through Zetta that her personal stamp is what makes her different and unique.


