K9017 - Human Nature - Leadership, Empathy & Tranquility Watch Now

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K9017 - Human Nature - Leadership, Empathy & Tranquility

Human Nature - Leadership, Empathy & Tranquility
Item No. K9017

Human Nature - Leadership, Empathy & Tranquility

Series: Human Nature
Item No: K9017
Length: 25 minutes
UPC: 709629090170
Copyright: 2018
CC: Yes
MARC Record: Yes
Language: ENGLISH
Grade Level: 6-12
Age Range: 12-18
View Series
SRP: $44.95
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In this episode of Human Nature, we will start with a guest, from Madagascar comes Lola the lemur to talk about Leadership, which is the ability to guide and inspire others to do something or achieve a goal with enthusiasm. For this it is very important to involve all the members so that they perform some task and when obtaining the achievements to celebrate them. An absolutely interesting topic. We will continue talking about Empathy with Hugo the Whale, through a story of two friends in which it becomes clear to help someone who needs it in a supportive way and even being loyal, because we show how much we care about a person by putting ourselves in his place and understanding what he is going through. And to close, we will have from Israel to Delikat the dove who will fill us with tranquility with a story that will teach us different ways to find peace. Not only is it about being in a quiet and quiet place, but it is also possible to achieve it by enjoying the moment we are living and in the company of the people around us. Also when we have the certainty that we will achieve what we want.


